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Richard Wright

Harness your passion

I'm sure we have all had those mornings when you wake up full of energy and drive for the day ahead.

Your mind instantly clicks into gear, planning your day, running through your tasks, strategising solutions and generally 'champing at the bit' to get going. This is because you have a passion for your the day. This could be your job or a more personal project or activity. Either way, your passion for the day is an inner energy that allows you to take on an inordinate amount of work. Not only do you do more work, you love doing it and you do it well.

We have also all had the opposite. The times when you wake up with the weight of the world on your shoulders. You feel stressed from the moment you wake. Probably you didn't sleep well. You may have been awake at night thinking about your project. You could have been running through your tasks, worry about unresolved issues, fearing the worst. You then get caught in a vicious circle, the more you worry, the worse you sleep. The worse you sleep, the more you worry. In the morning you have little motivate so the worse your day becomes.

So what is the difference between these two situations?

As Simon Sinek put it

If you are enthusiastic about a project and you are motivated by the project, you become passionate.

This passion can drive you beyond the motivations of tangible rewards such as money, status and recognition. These are external motivators, your passion is internally focused and far, more powerful.

Passion can be contagious. A leader, in business, sport or any other team situation, can overtly influence others with their passion. If their passion is demonstrative, if they show it, not just say it, they can motivate a team to do amazing things. People do need to be positively disposed towards the leader and the project, for this to happen, but it will happen!

So what does this mean to us? What should we do to utilise passion?

Passion is an emotion that we should display and be proud of. It shows a strong commitment, great enthusiasm, and can help achieve great things. It should be harnessed, focused, demonstrated and magnified.

What if we don't have a passion for the task, project or job we are working on?

This is understandable on occasions as we all have to do things that we aren't keen on. However, if you lack the passion everyday, and can't see a scenario where you will be passionate, something has to change!

Identify what you are passionate about, and build your task, project or job around that passion.

By Richard Wright

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