How does your boss stack up?
We have all heard about the great resignations and how the job market is a sellers’ market.
With this in mind Leaders need to step up and lead.
There are some key behaviours that Leads must display to retain their talent.
Share leadership
The ability to empower people, to sharing power and decision making, and push authority down is a key skill of Leadership. Sounds counterintuitive, yes, but remember: Good leaders are selfless and don't subscribe to "positional authority."
They understand that they don't have all the answers and that every person has something to contribute.
‘Old School’ leaders had a command-and-control mindset of making all the decisions.
This is a very short-term approach and stifles a business. It is important that a leader releasing control and building competency in others to step up to leadership decisions.
Great leaders create a culture, develop and team and make people feel part of something.
Build community
Good leaders, enhance relationships and relate well to others at all levels. They promote a sense of belonging and connection for all team members. They also work collaboratively and emphasise teamwork. Finally, they value the differences of others -- differing strengths, expressions, ideas, personalities, and viewpoints.
They realise that diverse thinking gets the best results quicker.
Have and share a Vision
One of the most important skills of every leader is to have vision and to set the right goals and expectations for employees, as well as to create the kind of work that is fulfilling and has meaning and purpose for each individual contributor. To that end, leaders must make work dynamic and have it tailored to the abilities and needs of fellow workers. They must do the same with the environment, they must create an environment (physical and virtual) where talent can grow and develop.
Leaders must put talent at the top of their agenda.
Great leaders provide for learning and growth while developing potential and careers paths for others. They also model appropriate behaviours and build up their people through encouragement and affirmations.
Additionally, offering people responsibility for their own actions increases their engagement and learning.
Great leaders strive to create an environment of more freedom and autonomy at work, but with clear measure of accountability.
Display authenticity
Authenticity a significant factor in engaging staff and managing conflict. Authentic leaders show the capacity to courageously run toward the eye of the storm. They know that cutting through a conflict to resolve a problem with respect, dignity, and active listening is easier than the negative consequences of running away from a conflict. They are honest, open and genuine.
Leadership is not easy. However it is critically important that people have good leaders who can grow to become great leaders.
by Richard Wright